Saturday, November 7, 2009

another game

in my list...
you will owys be number 1....
i will never say no when u r have any request...
no matter how ridiculous the request is...
no matter how tired m i..
i will be thr just to full feel everything u nid...
i will never say no...
unless the request will harm ppl or urself...
but bear in mind.
im a human too......
i cant be thr 24 hours...
i am not a perfect human..
i do mistakes as well...
im a daughter of mymom...
im a fren to others as well...
i dun c any speciality for me to do so much of things for u....
neither u appreciate everything i have done for u...
maybe im tired...
maybe just too much i have done for u as a fren....
maybe i nid a rest or a full stop for doing so much for u....
i dun c a smile or i dun get a thank you from u....
im not hoping much..
bcz i do everything for u...
i do it happily...
just to make u happy...
n yet...
now i realize....
some fren reli treat u as fren..thats y they give in so much..
some frens just will take in the "give in" by the fren...
no paying back..
that will owys lead to a break of a ship...
yes- the frenship....
not going to bother u....not going to do anything for u...
chances have been given..
being a lazy bug in the house due to the sem break....
oh yea...
too boring.....
dramas and shopping are the only thing i can do to waste my time...
not forget -reading news to update myself..
talking about news....
i have read 1 article from news paper...
there are many many rumours spreading around that...
the doom day will fall on the year of 2012...
this is because some popular write have stated the calendar until the 21/12/2012...
and nomore further date....
which represent or bring another meaning that..
the world has no more "day" after the particular date...
conclusion have made by those funny ppl that...
the world...the earth is going to say bye bye...
i told 1 of my best gila fren-tiff about my philosophy towards dooms day...
she said- u r reli mad....and i dun understand what r u talking about... imagination is too over..
or i have my own thought..
im abit xiao..
or very xiao...
but thats just me..
phone already kena cancer...
slowly dying due to my careless...
i din give my phone any chemotherapy...
cz too expensive...
i would rather my phone die peacefully w/o any side effect...
dun let the hair drop lo...
dun let my phone vomit.....
"CRAZY" - i knw u guys scolding..
planning to find the next of keen for my phone..
E71 is my 1st choice...
but my wallet the boss dun allow...
stil saving for it...
wallet wallet....
plz la...
zhang hei abit!


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